Just in 4 steps given below you can easily bowl Knuckleball. Knuckleball is a bowling technique that's basically adopted in cricket from baseball. See how to bowl this in full details and Yes its leagal.
See below technique How to bowl knuckleball
- A knuckle ball is kind of a mis-nomer.
- It isn't thrown with the knuckles, but with the fingernails.
- This removes all spin from the ball.
- While delivering the ball you need to make sure to maintain almost the same arm speed that you bowl the stock ball with, in order to deceive the batsman (deceiving the batsman is what the game is all about for a bowler).
- In cricket, many players bowl this ball but some have even modified this technique according to their comfort and convenience. Some bowlers hold the ball with the fingernails' tip.
- Others hold it with the surface of their fingernails.
- Zaheer Khan does use it but not in the exact way but it's still effective for him.
- If you watch Sunil Naraine closely, his way of delivering the knuckle ball is very much close to the definition. But after he's changed his action I rarely see him doing it nowadays.
- Zaheer Khan on the other hand is using it to good effect in this IPL season.
- Coming back to the point of how you bowl a knuckleball. Here are a few pictures illustrating how baseball players deliver a knuckleball. Likewise this can be helpful in cricket as well.
