In 2017 It might not happen IPL 2017 : BCCI president says it Might be champions trophy coming year 2017. There will be 15 days relax for Indian cricketers.
In 2017 It might not happen IPL 2017 : BCCI BCCI president says it Might be champions trophy coming year 2017. There will be 15 days relax for Indian cricketers before and after IPL 2017. It might not happen that IPL wont be held in 2017.
INDIAN cricketers will play Both IPL 2017 and Champions trophy but .. !!
That was good descsion taken by LODHA Panel. India may win champions trophy in coming year which be in England. If BCCI agrees to LODHA panel descsion for indian Cricketers. BCCI president was warned on Monday to such decisions. IPL 2017 will be over in end Of May 2017 and Champions trophy in first week of June 2017. It is impossible for Indian Cricketers to join sooner Champions trophy. India might loose in such situations. Lodha panel suggested good decision to move dates for IPL 2017 and champions trophy will be held in England.
Also for Indian cricketers it is very panic to Play again for Australia series after champions trophy 2017 . Indian Cricketers are playing well with NEW Zealand cricket team. That is good going for Indian cricketers . It is not just that India will win in champions trophy but Australia series also. In IPL 2017 India might get one or two more players better to say good and best players for Champions trophy and Also for Australia series. After Losing in T20 world Cup Indian players will play good Cricket in England for Champions trophy and Australia series. Best of Luck to Indian Cricket Team. In better way to thanks to BCCI. More thanks to Lodha Panel suggesting that about rest of 15 days gap must be taken before and After IPL 2017 .
It's bit controversy for VIVO . Which is ipl 2017 sponsor for next Two years. Will VIVO sponsor for next year also ? If there are such controversy in BCCI and Lodha Panel . BCCI will take good decision for both VIVO sponsor and Indian cricket team.