It Yusuf Pathan might not have ever looked unto Jose Mourinho for Inspiration but his latest selfassessment is akin to the current Manchester United coact, famous statemen, am the special onre. So does he harbour hopes of an India comeback with so many ahead of him for those couple of slots 1.0 the middle-order, Mies not matter to me who's ahead of me lit, representing Indial. I think no one tan compete with me. I con.. er myself as a special talent: Pathan told PTI in an Interview today. Having scored 30.1m11.911 against Delhi Daeredevils. Me Melia discard proved why he is so highly rated in the Koikata linight Riders ranks despite his gemechanging knocks being few and far in between. ',lave to back my talent. It does Oat take time for things to change. If I con. tinue to perform well. at some point I will get an opportunity If not todaY then tomorrow: Pathan seemed pal. tive that he may once again don the India blues. 'I done want to look at others. My job is to play good cricket and the start has been good this time. I should be saris. ned with my cricket and be prepared whenever I get a chance: he said. Pathan made it clear that he tern never shy away from playing his natu. rat game like he did under pressure against DO at Me Kotla. 'There was a lot ofpressure I Just wanted to play my natural game. You will always get out at some point be it in the first ball or in the 40th ball. But if s about playing my shoUana ma.00 the balls count. he said about his knock. Pathan has had his share of Ms00. Pointment with the team especially during their maiden title.wInning campaign In 2Al2 when hem anaged just IN in 17 matches With0.13 single hat century but the Shah Rah Khan co-owned franchise has hacked him throughout these years.